Early Morning Thoughts

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

As I lay awake this morning at 3:53am after finishing a book (that was research material for a book idea I have floating in my brain) my mind strayed back to my post for the blog this week. I have really be trying to find things to write about. Before my USB broke I had several blog post lined up and ideas. All of the information for the post and ideas are on there. So I kind of feel like a fish out of water. I am still trying to get myself together. I haven’t felt like writing on anything since then. Never have I ever experienced writers block but I imagine that this is pretty close to it.

I try to be very honest and transparent with you. If you are going to take the time out to read all my new post then I feel you are owed that respect. I never want this blog to seem like it is filled with the rants of an emotional distraught women. So I try to keep all the emotional stuff (poetry, rants, and short stories) on my other blog lisharvey.wordpress.com

This week I had a brilliant idea (a spark of inspiration if you will) for this blog. Those happen far and in-between so I try to capitalize on them when they do. This week I wanted to start a series of post where I introduced you to the characters in Forbidden through the book. I will pick out 1-3 scenes that I feel really represent that character. I will explain why they represent that character and perhaps give some background information. I just want these post to get you more and more familiar with Ivy and her family. Even Forbidden Love has loopholes ❤


Talkative, Writer, Christian

Hey fellow bloggers,

I follow a few interesting people on Word press and I really enjoy reading there post. Which sometimes gets me excited about what I read and I decide to do a similar posting. This one as is the other blog post “Why I write” is From Austin English’s blog. He is pretty awesome and if you want to check out what fun stuff he is up to here’s his page info. (http://austinenglish2.wordpress.com/). Now on with the fun stuff: Posting.

This particular post is going to be about words that describe me. I actually think about this question a lot. I want to have the best answers for interviews and since I tend to over talk pre=thinking helps me out. Which brings me to my first word talkative. Which means fond of or given to talking. I enjoy talking. I like making people laugh and I enjoy seeing someone’s day change from something positive I said to them. I am a shy person, as most writers are. But if you catch me in the right moment I could talk you in circles. A few of my friends have asked me why I was so shy when we first met and then I turn into the most outspokenly vocal person. I am the type of person that won’t go and introduce myself. Not because I ‘m not friendly, its just, the way I grew up makes me guarded. But when you do the introduction first and I find you to be a nice person. Your stuck with me. I will go to the next word before you truly see how fond I am to talking.

The next word that describes me so avidly is Writer. It is simply who I am. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing for some purpose, be it school, fun, or emotional out letting. I just bubble up with words inside my heart and brain and I have to release them. The words bring me sanity, for a brief movement they take me out of my reality and give me an experience that is unexplainable. When I write stories I am the first reader. I am experiencing the movement and language as the reader does. The characters are telling me there story and I must listen. I must write. Some where deep in my soul writer satisfies me.

The next word is definitely who I am: Christian.  Christianity has begun to mean something bad in the eyes of most people. But if caring about people and doing anything you can to help mankind is wrong. Then I don’t want a part in the words “goodness.” As I have said I don’t press my beliefs on anyone. I love people as Christ has loved me but I don’t try to judge anyone else. By definition it means a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings. In other words (mine) it simply means striving to be Christ like. That’s what I try to do in my everyday life. I fail sometimes at doing that. Which is why I judge no one outside of myself. The thing I love about being Christian is the forgiveness that comes with believing. I am who I am because a perfect God loved an imperfect person. I am Christian because I have a relationship with God and I spend time with him. Just like my mother is crucial in my life because I spend time with her. I talk with her, she loves me and I love her. I have that same affiliation with God.

This is who I am if I only had three words to describe myself I would say these things because they sum up my existence my persona. I urge you to figure out who you are. Be it one word or three, allow yourself to embrace these words with fervor. They are who you are spots, wrinkles, blemishes and anything else. We are all beautiful in one form or another. Comment below if you want and say the word that describes you. Not the words that people say you are. The words that you feel as though encompass your personality. If you don’t to comment write  your own post and let me know. I’ll read it and we can connect on an even deeper level.

In this post I want to live you with a few things, two quotes that urge you to be yourself. The very best version of you. Also a poem by Nadege Richards  summing up the essence of why I write. Be blessed bloggers.

“Live authentically. Why would you continue to compromise something that’s beautiful to create something that is fake?”
“When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves.”
“I write because I’m free,
Because I can,
Because I will
I write because I must,
Because I’m breathing,
Because I’d go crazy otherwise,
Because it’s who I am.I write to make a statement,
To share my thoughts,
To discover myself,
to express my ideas.
But most of all, I write for future generations.
I write for love.
I write to inspire.
I write to encourage.
I write for me.”
―     Nadège Richards

Additional Blog

Hi everyone,

I have been wanting to mention that I have another blog on here. For some time but It kept slipping my mind. It was created over a year ago and its mostly filled with poetry and book reviews and venting. Its the typical blog type thing. I really enjoy blogging on there as well. It seems that my readers were used to my poetry and books reviews that when I posted my first excerpt of my book they weren’t as interested. So I decided to get another blog and promote my books on there. I really enjoy writing poetry it is my writing first love and it moves me like no other form of writing does. It always me to say things that I normally wouldn’t say. I am able to be another person with my poetic touch on things. When I look at life through my poetry lens it affects me differently than when I look at life normally. Even in my books my poetry is present through songs and things of that nature. My other blog is lisharvey.wordpress.com I hope you go take a lot if your interested. Some of them are me at my lowest point and it is evident in my words. My emotions are very widely raged and depending on how I am feeling a particular day affects what I write.

Also I think I might start doing writing prompts??? I come across wonderful writing prompts in school, from books. I thought it might be a fun thing to do. We could each do a post on the writing prompt and share it with each other. It could be like a virtual writing workshop. Or just something fun to get the writing juices flowing. Let me know how you feel about that in the comments. I am totally willing if others are. i hope you have had a wonderful last few days.

Why I Write

When I was younger I was in Foster care. At one particular time I moved in with my older sister. She used to write poetry and I would sneak into her room to read it. When she left the home she left all her journals. I would read them and it would help me have something of her to hold on to. I would also read the Maya Angelou poems she had. Who till this day is one of my favorite poets. She is also one of the people who inspire me to write. After my sister left I kinda started to play around with words. I wanted to express myself like she and Angelo were doing. Once I began to get a feel for it. You would always see me with a piece of paper and pencil. Writing was my private escape from life. I had  a lot of emotional issues growing up. Neglect and being in foster care can really messes up a kid. But through writing and God being present in my life I was able to muddle through. I believe I was ten at the time. I found out not only did I enjoy writing to release my feelings. I was actually pretty good at it. I could write on anything. I started just thinking about topics and I would write a poem about it. When I turned fourteen I was adopted by my family. I continued to write but I started getting recognition in high school. My parents would tell me how good I was at writing. But I always would respond that’s what your suppose to tell me.

I entered several contest and I wrote a play during my high school years. I enjoyed my English classes I was good at writing papers. It wasn’t my favorite type of writing. I love writing but I do not enjoy MLA formatting and strict guidelines for my writing. I took a year off after high school and it was a hard year. I am sometimes known to be an over thinker and a bit of a worrier. Its all the years I spent as a foster kid not knowing where I would end up in life. I spent that time filling up so many journals with poetry. Trying to figure out my purpose and what I wanted out of life. That probably was the most difficult year of my adopting process for my parents to. I would spend hours talking to my Mom about what I wanted to do for college. Finally I was tired of being at home and applied for Seminole State College of Florida. I started my own Creative Writing Club at school and I was sold. Writing was my purpose. It was my gift.

         I write to remember those that have come before me and inspired me. I want to bring hope to the world in some small way. Whether it be bringing a smile to someone’s face. Or allowing a reader to escape from there lives for a while. I write to leave a positive legacy for my generation and the generations to come. I write as a way to express myself and sort out my feelings. I write because it is one of the things that brings me satisfaction in life. Writing is such an essential part of who I am. How do I know this? Because it is something that I couldn’t go the rest of my life without doing. This is why I write.