This Year has Brought Me

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

Like I said in the previous post 2014 had brought on a lot of changes for me and my family. I wish I could say that everything was cheery and perfect, but it wasn’t. We had a huge transition from one small town to another two and a half hours away. We also bought a family restaurant. So you can imagine getting the restaurant ready and getting settled in a place. Through in going to school and you have some serious stress on your hands. I had to finish out my semester on campus since the transition was in the middle of it. So I was travel all that way to get to morning classes. Most days being late. Then trying to come back help out at the restaurant and do homework. I was overwhelmed most days. Things were drastically different from the peacefulness I was getting acquired to once my parents stopped doing foster care. It was just me, my parents and my younger sister. Things weren’t perfect, but they were better than some other times.
After I finished that semester I started to attend classes online. I had done it before. However if anyone has taken classes online you know that it is twice as much work has taken it on campus. Not only are you teaching yourself, but you have to be motivated to learn. You also have to be disciplines to make sure that you get your work done. At times my mom didn’t understand that just because I was able to be physical at the restaurant all the time now that I wasn’t always available. I needed more time to do assignments. It was very hard trying to wait tables, answer phone calls, fix food, and read fifty pages, do a ten page paper, write a short story, then take a timed test. I learned a lot about myself this year. I learned how much I could take. Just how far I could push myself mentally without having a breakdown. I learned that no matter how often or how much your cry there are always more tears. I learned that restaurant work is stress and tedious. I learned that it can make people really awful at times. That things will be said in the heat of the moment that can never be erased. I learned that not making money will make you lash out at the ones you love. It will cause separations and distance between families. Most importantly I learned that my family is strong enough to go through all of that and come out the other side sparkling.
This year my mentor/sister/friend moved very far away (Hawaii) to be stationed with her husband. This year I loss a few friends that were very close to me. This year I found out that I’m okay being alone. This year I learned so much about writing. This year I wrote a book. This year I got twenty rejections from my query letters. This year I graduated from college. This year I restarted this blog after neglecting it for an entire year. This year had brought me so many different things, and as I sit here writing this post I reflect on them. It had brought me a lot of sadness, and disappointments. Which have kind of sucked. So I am expecting something pretty awesome to happen in the one coming. Happy New Year’s Eve. I hope this year brings you peace, love, and happiness.