Bringing in Christmas Cheer… Late

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

So Christmas just pasted. I honestly can’t believe it’s been another year. 2014 has brought along so many changes for me and my family. Tough changes that at times don’t feel hopeful, but life is full of hope you just have to look in the right places.

Christmas was pretty awesome. This was the first year that we spent it without our parents. All though my sisters and I still had a blast… it just wasn’t the same. I thought about them often. They had a church event to attend. I know that when their music takes off there will be more holidays without them, but I hope they are few and far between. Since I’ve been adopted I have truly learned the meaning of Christmas. Even though Christ is the reason for the season we still give gifts and eat a lot. Every year we have had an abundance of gifts. I have received so many wonderful things on Christmas. None of that can come close to the memories we made, sharing laughs around the tree and table. Just being with each other. This year was very different. This year my older sister bought stuff we really wanted. I received a stack of journals. Which is the best gift for me. It’s how I write out all my books. I have several book ideas that I am going to be working on for the coming year.

I bought myself some stuff from Bath and Body Works, because they were having a huge sale. Some stuff was 40% off. You really can’t beat that. This year brought me back to what it really means to celebrate Christmas. The day is more than presents and cookies. Its love and laughter. I know from this year forward I will bring more to the table as I prepare for the holiday. I have so much love in my heart for people, and I want to be able to share that love. Next year I hope I am financial stable enough to do just that. I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas.